Europian Standrats
ევროპული სტანდარტების კვალდაკავ
Paliashvili str. 39a spain ქ. თბილისი
ზ. ფალიაშვილის 39ა
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david abuladze

Doctor David Abuladze

General and Bariatric Surgery
Mon. Wed. Sat. 10:00 - 13:00


“Doctor of the Century”


Professor David Abuladze is an  local expert on general and bariatric surgery. He is a pioneer of bariatric surgery in Georgia and an expert of the International Federation of Obesity and Metabolic Disorders (IFSO). He is also an Associate Professor at Tbilisi Medical Academy, past president of the Mediterranean and Middle East Endoscopic Surgeons Association. called a “life saver” surgeon who specializes in laparoscopic and bariatric surgery at Santa Agostino Hospital, Modena, Italy for advanced Laparoscopic Surgery and Bariatric Surgery at the Rabin Medical Center at Bellinson Hospital in Israel, as well as at Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Portsmouth in England. He is the author of 87 scientific papers.

Dr.David Abuladze is co-author of a unique book, “Laparoscopic Surgery” issued in Georgian. He participates in many international scientific congresses and symposiums each year, is constantly seeking out innovative methods and follows European clinical standards.


Dr.David Abuladze is known as a leading specialist in abdominal surgery and bariatric surgery. He has done more than 7000 general, and more than 1200 bariatric surgeries.


For the first time in Georgia, he performed a laparoscopic total gastrosplenectomy with D2 lymphadenectomy and full laparoscopic pancreatoduodenal resection.

professional experience

  • 2016 – Present – Multi-profile Inova Clinic – Head of Department of General and Bariatric Surgery;
  • From 2016 to present – P. Shotadze Associate Professor of Tbilisi State Medical Academy;
  • Since 2014 – Present-Head of The “David Abuladze Georgian-Italian Clinic”;
  • Since 2012 – Consultant Surgeon at “MMT Hospital”;
  • 2012 – 2016 – Head of the Surgical Department at I. Djordania Institute of human reprodution.
  • 2007 – 2012 – Consultant surgeon at the Endoscopic Surgical Clinic of Charity Foundation for the Fight against Infertility;
  • Since 2007 – Surgeon Consultant in General Surgery. D. Tatishvili Medical Diagnostic Center;
  • 2006 – Invited Teacher of Thoracic Direction of Surgery Department of Tbilisi State Medical University;
  • 2002 – 2006 – Assistant Professor, Department of Thoracic Abdominal Surgery, Tbilisi State Medical Academy;
  • 2002 – 2006 – Assistant Professor, Department of Thoracic Abdominal Surgery, Tbilisi State Medical Academy;
  • Since 1998 – Head of Laparoscopic Surgery at Academician Z. Tskhakaia Thoracobdominal Clinic.
  • 1996 – 1998 – St. Surgeon of Abdominal Department of Tbilisi N1 Clinical Hospital;
  • January-September 1996 – National Center for Health Management – Specialist, Department of Foreign Affairs;
  • 1992 – 1996 – St. Surgeon of Thoracic Unit of Tbilisi N1 Clinical Hospital;

Professional directions

Bariatric surgery
100 %
Laparoscopic surgery
100 %
Abdominal surgery
100 %
General surgery
100 %

Membership of associations

  • Member of Georgian Association of Surgeons;
  • Member of Tbilisi Mukhadze surgical community;
  • Vice President of the Georgian Association of Minimally Invasive Surgery.
  • President of the Mediterranean and Middle East Endoscopic Surgeons Association 2013-2015, permanent member of the Board.
  • Member of the Russian Herniologists Association.
  • Experts in the General Surgery Association.
  • Transcaucasian Doctors League award in nomination of “Doctor of the Century”

Medical education

  •  2016 წლიდან დღემდე – პ. შოთაძის სახ. თბილისის სამედიცინო აკადემიის ასოცირებული პროფესორი;
  • 2002 წ. – პ. შოთაძის სახ. თბილისის სამედიცინო აკადემიის სამეცნიერო საბჭოს დადგენილებით მიენიჭა დოცენტის წოდება;
  • 2002 წ. – მედიცინის აკადემიური დოქტორის სამეცნიერო ხარისხი სპეციალობით ქირურგია;
  • 2001წ. – სახელმწიფო სერთიფიკატი სპეციალობაში ქირურგია;
  • 1998 წ. – 3 თვიანი სტაჟირება იტალიაში, ქ. მოდენას სანტ’აგოსტინოს ჰოსპიტალში – მაღალტექნოლოგიურ ლაპაროსკოპიული ქირურგიაში;
  • 1997 წ. – 3 თვიანი სტაჟირება აშშ-ში ატლანტის სამედიცინო ცენტრში – ბაზისურ ლაპაროსკოპიული ქირურგიაში;
  • 1995წ. GIPA – ს პირველი სრული კურსი სახელმწფო მართვაში, მიენიჭა სახელმწიფო მართვის მაგისტრის ხარისხი;
  • 1991-1992 – ინტერნატურა ზოგად ქირურგიაში 1-ლი კლინიკური საავადმყოფოს I ქირურგიული განყოფილების ბაზაზე;
  • 1985-1991 წ.წ. – თბილისის სახელმწიფო სამედიცინო უნივერსიტეტი;